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Hear My Voice: Goodwill Harmony Sessions

On Wednesday, April 26th, we celebrated our collaboration with the Harmony Project for “Hear My Voice: Goodwill Harmony Session”! 

The event welcomed 400+ friends, family, and supporters to enjoy the collaborative performance of the Friends in Harmony Choir, Goodwill Columbus Artists, and storytellers, with support from Donte Woods-Spikes, Darryl Hawkins, and Harmony Project and Goodwill employees. 

Goodwill Columbus CEO, Ryan Burgess and the Harmony Project founder David Brown, kicked off the event, followed by the Friends in Harmony Choir singing ‘Put A Little Love In Your Heart’ and ‘Lean On Me’. Our Goodwill Columbus Work and Community Service (WCS) Artists inspired us through powerful songs, storytelling, theater, and rhythmic movement. Along the walls of the venue, artists from our Goodwill Art Studio displayed their work for event guests to enjoy and purchase. 

We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the Harmony Project in amplifying the voices of our artists, and are proud of each of our Goodwill Artists, performers, and the entire Friends in Harmony Choir! 

Thank you for telling your story and sharing your art with us!

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Goodwill Columbus People Services

Goodwill Columbus proudly serves as a highly respected provider of day and residential services for individuals with developmental disabilities and behavioral health challenges. We have several programs designed to fit the needs of everyone we serve in unique ways.

About the Harmony Project

The Harmony Project’s mission is to build a more inclusive society by breaking down social barriers, bridging community divides and empowering the voices of the people through arts, education, and volunteerism. We bring people together through music, art, and service, and in doing so, Harmony challenges people to face their own biases head-on, to disrupt the dissonance between us, embrace our differences, and build social harmony.

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